Percentage Increase Calculator

Starting value:

Final value:

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percentage Increase Calculator by Smadent

How to Calculate Percentage Increase?

To calculate the percentage increase between two values follows the steps below. It takes a few simple math and you're done. But if you don't like to do the math then you can simply use our easy-to-use Percentage Increase Calculator to calculate the percentage change(Increase or Decrease) between any numbers.

Step 1: Write down the both starting and final values.

For example, let's say your auto insurance premium just went up. Write down these values:

Your car insurance premium was $200 before the increase. This is the starting value. After the increase, it costs $300. This is the final value.

Step 2: Find out the increased amount.

Simply minus the starting value from the final value and you'll find out how much it increased.

In our case: $300- $200 = $100 increased.

Step 3: Divide the increased amount by starting value.

A percentage is just a special kind of fraction. For instance, "50% of doctors" is a smart way to write "50 out of 100 doctors." By dividing the answer by the starting value, we get a fraction that compares the two values.

In our case, $100 / $200 = 0.5.

Step 4: Multiply the answer by 100.

You're the last step away from your required percentage amount. You've to just multiply the result by 100.

In our example: 0.5 x 100 = 50% increase in insurance premiums.

Percent Increase Formula

The percent increase formula is given below:

Percent increase = [(new value - original value)/original value] * 100

To find out a percentage increase in any value, follow the steps:

  1. Identify the original value and the new value.
  2. Input the values into the formula.
  3. Subtract the original value from the new value, then divide the result by the original value.
  4. Multiply the result by 100. The answer is the percent increase.
  5. Check your answer using the percentage increase calculator.

What Is Percentage Change?

A percentage change is a way to express a change in a variable. It represents the relative change between the old value and the new one.

Understanding Percentage Change

Percentage change can be applied to any quantity that you measure overage. Let's say you are tracking the requested price of a security. If the price increased, use the formula [(New Price - Old Price)/Old Price] and then multiply that number by 100. If the price is reduced, use the formula [(Old Price - New Price)/Old Price] and multiply that number by 100.

This formula is used both to track the prices of singular securities and of extensive market indexes, as well as analyzing the values of different currencies. Balance sheets with corresponding financial statements will generally include the prices of precise assets at different points in time along with the percentage changes over the accompanying terms.